Are issues like these causing stress, anxiety, guilt, weight-gain, sleep-deprivation, and negativity?

  • I have a demanding job often taking work home with me. When am I supposed to find time to exercise?
  • Between work, kids’ activities, cleaning the house, and preparing meals I’m exhausted. Does everyone feel like this?
  • I always take on additional projects at work and at home. I don’t seem to have any time to breathe these days. Why do I say ‘yes’ to everything?
  • I feel like a hamster on a wheel with little to no time for myself.

Why this topic?

Only 23% of working Canadians are highly satisfied with life. In fact, one-third of Canadians feel they have more work to do than time permits. Work-life balance is not a gender issue. Men have the same issues balancing career and family as women do and also struggle with obtaining work-life balance. With technological advances coupled with more women entering the workforce due to economic pressures, work-life balance can seem evasive and unobtainable. But with essential tools, tips and strategies, employees can minimize stress, maximize efficiency, improve productivity and boost positivity both at work and at home.
Increased work-life balance leads to lower employee absenteeism and turnover rates and higher levels of employee engagement.

What Attendees Will Learn

  • 168 hours = 168 hours: Why more time does not mean more balance
  • Five key stress busters that are essential for a healthier, happier, and more balanced life
  • Tips and tools for difficult conversations at work and at home
  • Increasing your work-life balance score with the Japanese concept of ‘kaizen’
  • Cultural differences in the perception of work-life balance
  • The high cost of always saying ‘yes’
  • Retrain your brain for positivity
  • Having it all… or having it all right now?
  • Prioritize your life the way you want your obituary to read