50 Shades of Beige: Building Bridges While Breaking Bias

Belonging is more than a black and white issue
It’s also a peony pink, damask gold, and toasted almond one!
Undoubtedly the issue is complex. We feel like we’re walking on eggshells. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers, no shortcuts, no quick fixes.Bringing her Almond Joy-ful sense of humor coupled with her authentic “Brené Brown-er” approach to these tough matters, Tina Varughese recognizes that while we may not always agree when it comes to divergent beliefs and challenging conversations, we are more alike than different.
50 Shades of Beige brings candid and difficult discussions to the fore – from Andrea’s pursuit of peace to Junaid’s desire to fit in to Gurprit’s transformation to Patricio’s authentic belonging.
Because that’s what it’s about. It’s about listening and understanding and appreciating – everyone’s stories, everyone’s feelings, everyone’s pain and joy. It’s about building bridges of understanding, gaining clarity of our own biases and choosing best practices that will work for ourselves, our workplaces and our communities.
Get ready to be a little uncomfortable, gain a lot of perspective and create not only a stronger organization but also a better tomorrow.